

飯村大智(Iimura Daichi)のページ





『吃音のグループ学習実践ガイド: ことばの教室でできる』(共著)





Google Scholar:  this page.

ResearchGate:  this page.

researchmap: this page.



This web-site is mainly written by Japanese. If you have any question or hope to contact me, please sent a message to [iimura<at>mw.kawasaki-m.ac.jp   <at>->@]. My practices were presented at ISAD 2018 online conference. Please see this page.


Brief Bio

Daichi Iimura, M.S., is a speech-language-hearing therapist. He received a Master’s degree in informatics from Kyoto University. He works at a care and rehabilitation hospital, and is a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba. He is a representative of the We-Stutt-Project (a self-help group for young people who stutter in Japan), a director of Domo-work (the only job support corporation for people who stutter in Japan), and a member of the committee of the Japan Society of Stuttering and other Fluency Disorders (JSSFD).My stuttering greatly changed my life. Stuttering was the motivation that drove me to become a clinician and researcher, as well as to establish a self-help group (We-Stutt-Project) and contribute to helping people who stutter land jobs through a non-profit corporation (Domo-Work). My recent research interest is the exploration of ways to help people who stutter throughout their life stages.